Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Waves of Delight

Waves of delight come crashing down
Bringing me forward like a golden crown
Smooth sensations lie in the distance
As I come forth with ease, the delicate touch of the light hearted breath
The gentle peace that surrounds my body
The guided light that brings me my flame
The earth stands still as I sit quietly
I say not a word
As my eyes are closed
When I open them slowly my reality appears
It's the most beautiful concept as I realize who and what I am doing
Am I being of service to society? I ask myself
Well, it's my inner-being that answers without a word just through thought and feeling that knows that I am in a place that is doing good for human-kind
It's the place that surrenders to all kinds of waves that come crashing down
Straight in front of me are the waves of delight
The kind that you get when you are in perfect sight
Here's to the beauty that I see ahead of me
I thank every second as I step into my new Destiny.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Deep, Dark, Red Rose

Finding that inner peace and that joy can be a task where you dig, dig, and dig.
When you keep on digging you can be surprised by what you will find.
I have been surprised lately by what I have been finding.
It's incredible what's down there.
It's like going down into a cave that has this tunnel where you keep exploring and you keep walking.
For days, for weeks, for even months.
There, when you find it, you know it.
When you touch upon it; it's the most beautiful thing you've ever felt and ever seen before.
It's like seeing a rose for the first time.
The deep dark red of the rose.
Then you get closer and you smell it.
The smell is so warm to your heart that you start thinking thoughts that you never even knew you had.
Then the rose opens even more beautifully because of the gentle touch that it receives from you.
It's this soft, tender, spot that creates this joy and this serene sense of being that is so incredibly inspiring to know will always be there whenever you want to feel that sensation that will bring you to this place of pure desire and pure bliss.
I thank this rose as I hold it gently in my hands and the drops of water fall into my palm.
The rose's thorns not only look at me with ease, they know that they are protecting it from anything that come it's way.
As I continue holding it, I know that this rose and I have two things in common. 1) Beauty that will continue to grow deep inside. 2) Pure gentle touch and smell.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vortex of Myself

So many amazing things have been going on in my life.
It's like every day gets better and better!
It's so nice to know that I surround myself with love.
It's such a good feeling knowing that there's so much beauty around me.
It's so great knowing that I am responsible for everything that comes into my life.
I know that my future holds such greatness, and I know that I am following my destiny because I am living life through my Divine Spirit and my Heart!
It blows me away knowing how different each day is, and how many happy surprises come my way.
Life's natural beauty is the magnificent touch that guides through my window--the rainbow that is sitting out in front of my house as I type.
The pinkish clouds with the hazy purple as the dark green leaves sit in the distance.
The sounds of the T make me feel like life's wheels keep on moving as I keep on getting and gaining more wisdom with each new experience.
I know that I am going to continue to find things that make me happy and that bring me into the vortex of my own self!