Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Glass Wall

There's a lot on my mind.
It's like the wind that travels in and out, up and down, and all throughout.
Yet, there's a new passage of delight that I am just wallowing in.
It's the newness that I have created for myself, and that has been here for some time.
It feels old and sacred, yet, as my eyes are wide open to it, I see the precious beauty that I have never seen before.
Even when there's a glass wall right in front of me, and as my head cracks as hard as a baseball right into it; the aftermath is what hit me the most.
This awakening is that in which came as a surprise and hit as hard as a cannonball.
The wounds are the healing type that consist of only bruises.
The glass wall was a representation that people can keep their eyes open, yet miss their entire surroundings around them.
Sometimes, when we get these responses in our daily lives, it can be ones that physically hurt, and ones that take us by surprise.
These different types are like two different trees that grow right next to each other both standing tall, yet they each spark an incredibly different kind of beauty. One might be way more noticeable than the other, however, both are natural and gorgeous in their own separate ways if you take the time to look!
Standing with my head against the glass wall with nothing else to do, but find the opening door. This lead me to reawaken at that very moment. Giving me an immediate heightened sense of awareness, even when I am feeling that maybe if the glass had shattered still letting me through, I would have not found the door that was right next to me where I was supposed to be going the entire time.
Sometimes when you go the wrong way you actually find the right way in a disguising, yet memorable moment that only you may ever know and feel. Just take the time to reflect because those tiny specks of realization can be a new positive response to your personal surroundings.

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