Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dream Job Inspirational Thoughts

I want to figure out a way that I can continue to engage in teaching (right now I am a Kindergarten Teacher). I want to figure out a way that I can teach in the areas of self-help and healing/mind/body work (working with many different age groups). I want to have my own place of practice, and business that is highly successful. It is important that I am able to work with people that I just love to be around (who uplift me everyday with their whole way of thinking/spiritual open mind). This work site/place is located in a beautiful area (it's like a sanctuary). I want to wake up feeling so excited as I go to this place that touches upon all of the things that inspire and enlighten me including: spirituality, creativity (art/expansiveness), mind/body work, teaching (brain gym/whole body), healing, (a holistic approach). All realms of inspirational thought are included in my new dream job. This job also gives me many areas of flexibility---time to travel the world, as well as making money to do all of the things that I want to do in life. As you can see I am still coming up with this idea and it is in the making. It's exciting to let it out and see where my thoughts and ideas are flowing!


Here's to another great day.
Things keep unfolding like a waterfall that keeps on flowing.
The tiny miracles that keep on reaching out right in front of me.
It's like I am the beholder of the key, and the door is right in front of me to unlock.
Maybe there are all of these doors, and I am just going to unlock them all, and all, and all, until I all of the ones that I want to open do, and I will know when that key just keeps fitting into the open space that is there waiting for it, I will just know that this is exactly what I've been looking for my whole entire life.
Life is like a magnet, and what you think about, and what you say, and what you write about literally reflects my inner-self in a way that is so incredibly and vastly descriptive that if I picked up a book with where my life has been going since I was born this is the chapter that I am absolutely loving!
This is the chapter that I have been waiting for, and now it's here with open arms.
As I take this key, I know in my heart, that this key is my gift from my Source Power and together we know that I will open all of those doors that will provide the most divine beauty I've ever seen before.
This beauty is like nothing I'd ever even imagined in my most wildest dreams.
It's similar to the young boy who found the book at the antique store that brought him to the NEVERENDING STORY that became the story of his life.
His future was one in which he never even imagined because the vastness and the extreme fantasies that came about aroused him in ways he never knew existed.
This is now my story, and I hold the key, or the book with wide open arms and I am creating my own neverending story that starts here and now with such beauty and clarity that I know exactly what things will make me happy in my story and what things will come to me in waves of enlightenment and peace that will surprise me.
So, as I light the flame and ignite it with ease, I head into my space of pure, divine, loving, beauty.
OFF I GO....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Raw Tastings with a Fresh New Twist

Raw feelings of delight.
I sit here tonight.
I know that I am bringing in this new fresh insight.
I have this guide inside that I haven't opened up it's been closed so tight.
It's the feelings that are opening like a jar that has been left out of sight.
I have been reaching into the jar with a feeling of delight.

The pureness tastes like sweet cherry pie.
I love the taste that my tastebuds bring knowing that the freshness has always been there.
This jar will remain to twist open and soon will stay that way.
It's like this journey that is uplifting in a such a raw, rich, and miraculous way.
Only I may know what it's like to sit here and feel the jar untighten.
The freshness is bursting to come out of the lid.
The knowingness that awaits as there is so much that has been holding in.
This poetic side is making this jar become more loose as these feelings of raw delight let out that burst of flavor.
I sense where I am as I smell the sweet cherries.
I am here as I have always been when that sweet fragrant smell jumps out like a bright-eyed child.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A New Direction of Thought

Celebrating this exciting new uplifting journey that I call The Law of Attraction = The Law of Creation!
I am learning how to become in tune with my vibrational match for what's right for me during a certain moment in time or certain situation.
Exploring my inner-child is helping me open up new doors that are leading me into boundless thoughts that are expanding right in front of me.
Just knowing that I have the ability to co-create, and manifest anything and everything that I want in my existence is truly an emotionally thought provoking feeling that will keep growing and growing due to the positive change in my thinking and feeling process.
There are so many inspiring ideas, facts, truths, beliefs about all of this information that has been collected over centuries and centuries of time.
I want to be a part of this growing and ever-lasting shift in the Universe.
I know that things can be created and manifested when you truly believe in something to come true.
I literally believed that I would live in the condo that I am now sitting in. I didn't know how it was going to work itself out-I trusted the Universe (that's it).
When I visited the condo for the first time, I envisioned myself walking up and down the stairs, and living in the exact unit that I am living in.
I said to my mom, "This is where I am going to live." I wanted to put my name on the front of the door-because I knew this unit already belonged to me.
I want more and more experiences like this that I literally manifested into my reality.
I believed in a way that I want to believe that my life can get to the highest peak of the mountain that brings about the unconditional love and the pure bliss.
This feeling that time never ends, and that I have all of the time in the world to be and feel as happy and joyous throughout each and every waking moment that I am living on this Planet.
I believe that I can focus on attaining and achieving these goals, now that I am becoming conscious of this Law of Attraction and I am waking up from my old habits and beliefs and idea that I lacked certain things.
There's no use in focusing on the lack of something or that things are missing in my life, when the more I do that, the more I experience the things I don't want.
So, now, I am turning that corner because I am allowing myself to re-examine and learn the ways that I can create all of the things that I want that will make me happy to be the person that I was born to be in this world.
I am grateful for this time, space, reality, and existence that I am currently feeling.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Twenty Dollar Bill = Universe's Response

As I am opening up to the Universe, and letting things just "be," things are unraveling beautifully.
I walked off the train last night as I was heading back home, and what did I notice on the ground?
There lying crumpled up just staring at me was a $20.00 bill.
I thought to myself, "Wow, I just attracted money, and manifested exactly what I asked for."
Of course I thanked the Universe and whoever left it there for me.
Each day that I am waking up and beginning this transformational change in my emotional response, thought process, and daily living, I am noticing how incredibly easy life really is.
I am observing the breathtaking moments that are simple and that are just natural in their own sense of being.
This change in myself is something that I am opening myself up to, and the more I open up to learning and wanting to change, the more easily accessible the answers are coming forth.
I am not alone in this world where I am currently asking for the help, the guidance, and the wisdom.
There are so many instructors, professors, authors, and teachers in all shapes and forms that are inspiring me in such a way that is helping me to shape and mold my life in the most authentic and perfect way that I know possible.
I know that since I am a believer in this type of faith and this Evolutionary Transformational Higher-Universal Consciousness that my own life will unfold in exactly the way that it is meant to be.
I always knew that my inner-child is full of curiosity in figuring out my own life's desires in such a passionate way that I have come to this point in time where I am able to connect to my energy that is channeling me in the direction of where I want to go next.
Even though I feel that I am changing for the better, and I know that as much as I stick to this new path that I will create and manifest the lifestyle that I know I am able to live.
I have always felt that my source connection to this Universe has been powerful.
I am now ready to explore that inner curiosity in a way that is unconditional and boundless.
Knowing that my heart is different from my brain and that when I listen to my heart that's when I will experience unconditional love.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Reflecting with Clarity

Thinking in clarity as I sit here and wonder about the potential of life's opportunities.
I believe that we choose our surroundings, our environments.
As I sit here and think about all of this information that isn't new to me, although, it is refreshing my mind about all of these ideas that I used to think about on a daily basis.
Now, that I am training myself to live by the way that I am feeling and think about how all of the situations in my life make me feel--that I will be deliberately creating through thought!
This is what it's all about.
I know that the Source is here to listen, and I know that when I sit here and think more and more about this exact moment and how I want it to unravel, I am carving out my pathway into the future.
It inspires me just thinking about these ideas and putting them into perspective.
My own vision of why I am here at this moment in time, and how I think about the way that my experiences have brought me to this exact moment, I know that I have the power to make this transformational turning point in my life that I have been wanting to do for sometime.
I have to say that since beginning this new path to enlightenment and seeking out possible ways to live a happy and joyous life of my choosing, I have been finding the answers, which have been here the whole time.
I guess, what I am trying to say, is that I have finally made that realization that everything is going to get better and better.
I have been living in this clutter that has caused me to not feel that I am able to breathe.
I have felt that I have been locked in a door and unable to get a key to let me out.
It's a feeling that I am sure many people can relate to.
I have many wonderful things to be thankful and grateful for. I guess, when I keep running without a lot of steam left in me, that's when the danger comes at my front door.
Now that I have been opened to learning this, and reflecting on my own life's experiences, I am ready to take myself with ease into this next phase and transition. I know that wherever that may lead I have the clarity and the intentions to get it just right for myself this time.
These are the goals I am setting forth as I am paving my new road that leads right out my front door.
#1) I will write a book, and get it published, and help educators, teachers, and parents about techniques, tools and ideas that they can utilize with children that fall into the category of Early Childhood.
#2) I will become a licensed Brain Gym Consultant, and figure out a way to create this practice into my every day life.
These are the beginnings of my goals that I have on hand.
Thank you for this time and opportunity!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Glass Wall

There's a lot on my mind.
It's like the wind that travels in and out, up and down, and all throughout.
Yet, there's a new passage of delight that I am just wallowing in.
It's the newness that I have created for myself, and that has been here for some time.
It feels old and sacred, yet, as my eyes are wide open to it, I see the precious beauty that I have never seen before.
Even when there's a glass wall right in front of me, and as my head cracks as hard as a baseball right into it; the aftermath is what hit me the most.
This awakening is that in which came as a surprise and hit as hard as a cannonball.
The wounds are the healing type that consist of only bruises.
The glass wall was a representation that people can keep their eyes open, yet miss their entire surroundings around them.
Sometimes, when we get these responses in our daily lives, it can be ones that physically hurt, and ones that take us by surprise.
These different types are like two different trees that grow right next to each other both standing tall, yet they each spark an incredibly different kind of beauty. One might be way more noticeable than the other, however, both are natural and gorgeous in their own separate ways if you take the time to look!
Standing with my head against the glass wall with nothing else to do, but find the opening door. This lead me to reawaken at that very moment. Giving me an immediate heightened sense of awareness, even when I am feeling that maybe if the glass had shattered still letting me through, I would have not found the door that was right next to me where I was supposed to be going the entire time.
Sometimes when you go the wrong way you actually find the right way in a disguising, yet memorable moment that only you may ever know and feel. Just take the time to reflect because those tiny specks of realization can be a new positive response to your personal surroundings.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Being inspired by this physical dimension as well as the non-physical dimension.
Learning to understand that there are two sides to this equation.
Do I really have a non-physical being.
I have always known about my inner being.
There is a higher guidance system that we can learn about which I am on the path to study.
You may think this is all kinda weird.
Yeah it is, and that's why I love it.
I love the fact that this higher universal power intrigues me in the way that I will learn my guide's name.
I know that all takes time.
If Esther and Jerry Hicks can figure out that their higher power being is Abraham.
Then, I know that I have one too.
I know that the more connected I stay on this topic, and the more thought that I put out into this Universe that helps me figure this out, I know I will.
I am on this path for a multitude of reasons.
The main reason right now is because I am changing and growing into this being that wants more in life.
I am figuring out how to create and manifest this lifestyle that I have been wanting and hoping for.
Now that I have the time to create these desires and manifest them into my reality with the positive and purest intentions possible, I will get to that ultimate peak of joy that I see myself embracing.
It will be RAW. It will be highly enticing. It will be like all of those tiny moments that I have felt in my past.
Although, this will be different because I am more aware and conscious as to what I am looking for and what it is that my intentions are.
I wasn't clear before, and when one is not clear, they are going to get confused thoughts.
That's why I have been feeling the clutter in my head just release.
I just woke up from a hard-felt deep sleep where I just crashed like a plane on a sand dune.
All of this new evoking, revolutionary ideas and concepts, and living it in reality just hit me like a lightening bolt.
I am ready with ease to venture off into this far out vast land that will take me into my destiny that I am meant to go to.
See, the thing that makes me realize is that doing this alone--gives me the feeling that I have no fear and I am willing to dive into whatever that may be with a mind that is wide-open because I go with the statement that I have always felt in the back of my mind, "We were all born into this world alone, and we will all go out of the this world alone." That doesn't mean that we can't find love, a companion, or a partner. That means that I am willing and ready with my heart in the right place to take this journey full-fledge with all of these intentions where no one will stop me or let me not go to this place because I am locked into some kind of relationship. I have created this kind of key to myself without there being any kind of lock due to this very moment in time. Thank you for this beautiful reawakening I have just experienced in a matter of less than 10 minutes!~

Monday, April 19, 2010

Creating My FUTURE

Where is this going?
Where are these ideas going?
They are becoming my new every day moments that I get to let loose and breathe as I expel my energized thoughts and feelings throughout a day.
It gives me that rush of excitement as I sit and type my fingers away.
I know that my inner desire is burning to open up my creative side.
This new inspirational insight that this blog has brought me to is a side of me that I have been missing.
A side of me that knows that I have the ability to CREATE and MANIFEST everything that I desire.
So, what is it that I want at this present moment?
I want to create a future for myself.
What does that entail?
I want to travel to unknown places.
Places that I can explore and write about and share my experiences with all types of people.
I want to meet people that are engaging on similar wavelengths.
I am delighted when I am in a room filled with people who are positive and are open to all sorts of possibilities--whatever that may be.
I want work on my book in a way that is a helpful and essential tool for educators, parents, and anyone interested in learning more about early childhood development.
I truly have a passion for early childhood, and making a difference in this world.
As I work toward a new goal of mine that entails becoming a Brain Gym Consultant, I want to figure out a way that I can easily create a place that I can work with all ages including children (very young) to adults.
I want to develop a work site that dovetails with my own spiritual path that includes the idea that when we live in the present moment, and when we do things that make us feel good there is a way to latch onto those simple moments, and create more and more of those in one's life.
These ideas are all developing as I type away. My thoughts are being inspired by the guidance that I have been feeling lately, and I have been longing for.
I know that this is where I am supposed to be, and that I am currently creating these new adventures in my life during the perfect, time space, and sequence. I know that they will develop in my future when the time is right, and with the right motivation, and enlightened energy that I am putting forth, they will appear and show up in front of me, and I will accept everything that brings me true goodness. Laying this groundwork is my educational journey.

Poetic Moments During Times of Chaos!

My poem for the day:
Sitting here on a beautiful Monday morning.
The echoes of the people cheering as the marathon runners come by.
As I sit here alone, I notice the warm sun beaming off my head.
The water gently swaying with a slight ripple effect.
How calm it is right here, and how chaotic, loud, and full of people all over the streets right next to this quiet sanctuary where the geese walk about and nothing at all seems to be disturbing them. Not even the live concert about right next door.
I am enjoying this weather as the light breeze glides in and out of the trees and my hair.
The clouds sit in stillness.
The colors around me are different shades of green, yellow, brown, deep red, and a light pink pops out at me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Enticing Product Brings About a New Wave of Life Opportunity

Being a new member and now a distributor of LIFEWAVE has been amusing.
I was enlightened by this product when I heard that a Vietnam Veteran had almost blown off his arm due to an explosive, and he was going on his 55th arm surgery being prescribed by morpheme and all sorts of drugs by his doctors. The drugs just weren't working for him, and his pain was excruciating as he described it as a (10 being the worst).
It wasn't until the first time he went to a LifeWave conference and when he shared his story with a nurse, she put Pain patches on his arm, and within seconds the pain went from a 10 to a 1.
I was sold when I heard about a story that unbelievable.
Am I in any sort of pain? NO.
Although, since being a teacher working with 22 children somedays without any assistance has definitely been a difficult transition in my life before I became a Kindergarten teacher.
I would have days when I would come home from work, and feel that I couldn't even get my body to move.
These emotionally draining experiences within the last three years has made it hard to sustain an energy level that stays at a consistent balance. I know when I am highly energized and I know when I am at an extremely low sense of energy.
Well, having had the opportunity to put two Energy patches on my body for the past two days has proven to me that this product has helped me to maintain that balance of Energy that I have been searching for.
I didn't want to take any sort of medicine, and when I have discussed this issue with my doctor there isn't much of a cure for being tired, or stressed.
I am ecstatic to help people who may be having similar experiences or even feelings of (pain, sleep deprivation, or anti-aging) without the use of drugs, than I will be happy to entice them to at least try this new phenomenal product called LifeWave!


Creating my day on the right foot.
I am creating, and manifesting my vision for the day.
I am bringing my awareness to what's in front of me.
I am having that emotional response that will be good and kind to me.
As I sit here today, I know that my creativity will be inspired with positive intentions.
I am feeling the excitement just knowing that I have some time for myself.
I am able to organize and get my stuff in a good place.
As well as be inspired by the new product called LifeWave that I am thinking about becoming a distributer of.
This product is interesting as I learned about it yesterday, and today I intend to get all of the information that I need in order to move forward with this new product .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here's to Today!

Waking up bright-eyed
Seeking out the sureness that my day will be filled with extraordinary happenings.
Knowing about the prospect that I am open to learning new concepts about a subject I am finding so inspiring called Brain Gym.
This subject reinforces the idea that Whole Body is all about the flow and the movements that a person makes as someone makes choices and brings about opportunities as they are concentrating more their awareness and current surroundings no matter where they are. Even if someone is in a situation that is completely uncomfortable or uneasy.
I have been utilizing the techniques that I have learned and gained from Bonnie, and I have noticed the immediate positive responses that my own body has felt, especially during times of feeling pressure, or lack of sleep, or lack of having a break in my own life.
I know that this day forth will be one with pure solitude and extreme desire to learn and be engaged all day long!
I am looking forward to when I will have the chance to step back to this spot and type my heart and soul out.
Thank you for listening as I am now beginning and ending my day with you:)

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Saddle

Before I step into that body of rest, which we call that dream state, I am going to get a few thoughts out into this site.
I am focusing on the fact that I have made it through my day with extreme ease, satisfaction, and completion.
It started out with the Golden Twine that I held in my thoughts, and mind.
It was that note that kept me through the day that life is like guitar strings that you can play, and you can strum on them, and when you play that tune, things come about in any way that you want them to appear.
That one simple thought that got my day started was the way that when he played his guitar and when he thought about the only girl he ever wanted, it made me realize that the only thing I have ever wanted was to let me ideas pour out the way that they have been. The inspiration that I am getting from reading my own vast ideas is helping me to create this belief that I am Manifesting all the desires and dreams that I want, and I am in control of gaining in my near and distant future.
The whole idea is really simple and not so incredibly overwhelming like some people think it is (even I have).
Some people think the concept of LIFE is like this inconceivable struggle that is hard to latch onto, especially thinking about 1, 2, 3, 4, even 5 years down the line from now.
This is my stance, at this mark of my life, "Hey, Amy, if I don't wake up now, and smell the breathtaking roses, and the divine coffee, at this point in my life, than, I am just going to miss the chairlift that is headed up to that peak that I am reaching and obtaining!" I am turning myself around in the certain angle that I know will be extravagant abundance!
Do I have everything that I want right now at this point in time?
Think hard?
Okay, in all honesty.
Here it is: I am on this path with every single intention to get to the top of the highest most incredible mountain I want to get to, and if I didn't have all of the things that I currently have, and have also experienced both good and bad, than, there would be no way I'd be sitting here with these goals, intentions, inspirational ideas, and viewpoints that I am ready to pursue.
Is every single thing in my life easy and simple at this point. NO! Will I get to the top of the highest most exceptionally endless MOUNTAIN that I've ever seen, YES! Hey, I've seen glimpes of this mountain. When, I went to British Columbia, there were periods that brought me to beauty I'd never seen before. Going down the Saddle and other slopes on Harmony Bowl with an expert skier as she led me in, up, down, around, above, and throughout. I felt my body release, and at one moment I saw own body going down the mountain in a way that I'd never seen myself outside of my own self. Andrea had guided me into this direction of fluidity, and tranquility that some people will never experience. Am I an expert skiier? No, although, I am a person that doesn't resist the chance to live life even if I take chances that some people might say, "What on Earth are you doing that for?" The exact reason is because if I am able to have these adventures with the idea that life is here to live (maybe just once) and dive into.
I am ready to soar into this arena with a clear head and mind with all of the intentions that I know are right for me.
Is anyone here to stop me. The only person here to stop me, is myself, when I see fit!
Thank you for this Blogging site. Technology has brought me to this newly found resource that I am just loving!

Golden Twine

Feeling the inner solitude that only comes from within.
Where will it take me today?
Knowing that the distant future is only a single step away.
It's like that song that I listened to driving here to work; "that the strings on his guitar are made of golden twine, and every time he strums on it, he wishes that (girl) was his." This simple thought got me thinking about how I want my day to be MINE just like he wanted that girl to be his (no other girl) because she was the only one he ever wanted.
I am focusing on that inner beauty of light that guides me right into that direction of creativity and inspiration!
Yes, we all have those thoughts. I am on the path to manifesting those thoughts into my everyday being.
Right, here and now!
Before the rush of children come to me with excited minds of learning, curiosity, and optimism.
I am not thinking about what it is that I have to get done.
I am thinking about the good that is in front of me.
Now, I am ready to begin this day with ease.
I know that I will get through my day with the thoughts that brought me to this point that I am feeling as I am writing right here and now.
I am so excited about this new blog that I have developed, and more and more exciting new experiences will pour out onto this site as I continue bringing about this newfound living into my own destined future!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



So, just coming home, and knowing that I am completely and whole-heartedly meant to be here at this present moment for many reasons is enlightening to myself.
Tonight, I drove to the Kinesiology Connection; not knowing exactly what was to be expected, and with my excitement and adrenaline all racing at once, I stepped into the center with ease and positivity.
The perfect energy space.
Oh, yes! Only 5 of us, and there was this immediate sense of warm welcome, and this feeling of lightness that surrounded the entire room as we all entered at different times getting to know one another.
My experiences with Joanne was truly inspiring. Her calmness, her incredible patience, and her love for what she does helped me become centered and balanced.
Being around people that are inspired by the same things are some of the best ways to open up those areas in my life that need healing and growth. Having someone else's opinion about a certain area that I need to work on is a solid way for me see my own life from another person's perspective. It's like my own reflection of "being" was bounced off of Joanne's completely new and different point-of-view. She immediately gave me clarity and a heightened awareness of what my intentions for my goal would be.
It's these nights and moments that I want more of and yearn for also knowing that they exist in my near future because more and more experiences of this matter keep facing me, and I am open to learning as much as possible.
Thinking about the next step to this pathway is a course called Vision Circles, and just knowing that my perception of awareness and sight beyond what my eyes can see will open me up to even more vast viewpoints to this world.
I know that going into a class called Vision Circles is an easy way for me to come with a positive attitude. How can you not?
It's so intriguing to me to find out what this course entails.
I became inspired tonight by the stillness of the center, the flow of communication between Joanne and I, as well as all 5 of us when we bounced ideas, thoughts, and opinions off one another.
The visual objects that were in the room that I noticed included: a pot with rocks and crystals with a small picture of the Dalai Lama, glass ornaments that hung gently on the windows, a smooth and delicate small water fountain, plants, flowers, and all sorts of energized crystals from amethyst, quartz, to jasper.
I know that my energy going into the class was a bit heavy due to the day's work, drive (traffic) and the "no time for a break" feeling. Although, I was looking forward to this night centered around balances all day long. The way that I became much more aware of my surroundings from the beginning to the end was truly transformational.
These small pieces to living a life that is filled with goodness is my way of learning how to create this all of the time in my life. My idea is to have the ability to work with all types of people in a holistic healing environment, which focuses on the idea of how to move forward in order to live in the present moment. The more work that I do on myself, and the more work that I do regarding this area of my every day life makes me realize how incredibly mind-blowing this lifestyle is in the aspect of good health, happiness, pure joy, bliss, and contentment with oneself.
I continue to let my thoughts flow out on this blog just knowing that some day I will look back at this point in my life, and know that I have created all that I have envisioned from this point.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Goose

When I sit here right now I taste this delicious butterscotch hard candy melt in my mouth. It makes me think about that feeling I used to get as a young girl that life was really like one big candy store, and you could choose whatever you wanted to make you happy at that time! That being chocolate, ice cream, cake, cupcakes, lollipops, jolly ranchers, you name it; it was yours!
It's like these moments that I am reveling in all day long.
It's the things that I am choosing to open myself up to.
My mind is currently opening up to newer and bigger possibilities that are available to me at my fingertips.
I woke up once again with the beautiful sun shinning brightly in front of me, sipping my coffee, looking out at the not even woken up Earth. As I felt that I was waking up together as the sun shone brightly making my body feel it's warmth and light.
I had so many spaces of time in my day that were filled with positive energy, as I traveled in and out of rooms, and stairways, and I was faced with confrontations with numerous children, adults, and animals.
I was able to focus my attention on that desire of mine that is filled with an open space of raw nature. These pictures in my mind that I have created filled my body with ease. I envisioned the purest serenity possible even during those moments that I could feel my own breath become stuck--due to the stale, bitter, uncharged, energy that I could sense from other people around me who were all in the same room. It is integral to become aware of my own surroundings.
I am on this path for a reason to get through these unsteady times, and create that instant change with a positive thought, picture in my mind, or become aware of my body's presence and breath.
I remember people telling me when I was young that I have the ability to create my life.
I always wanted to be older than I was at my certain age. I thought that being older was the coolest and best thing ever.
Now I am older, and I know that during my periods of growth and change there have been some moments, which still occur, that I have felt the waves crash over me. I have felt this heavy feeling that has sucked me right under the vast current. That suffocating feeling that can kill you in an instant.
I am now, just now, learning how to overcome my fears, and to overcome my own moments that I experience throughout a day that I feel vulnerable, uneasy, anxious, nervous, scared, alone, fearful, or stuck.
There's no reason to feel these feelings when life is a gift all of the time.
I am surrounded by such incredible beauty.
Today I created that one simple piece to my own puzzle that connects to my deepest desire (large open raw nature space). As I open my eyes to this simple piece of land it seems bigger and bigger each time I am there. This piece of land that is right down the road from me that I have just found after living here for almost two years. It is a quiet sanctuary filled with water, a goose who's sitting on her eggs as she protects them. Her mate stands by closely as he is also protecting the mother goose and her eggs. They are starting to get used to my presence. There are also beautiful different colored ducks that glide in and out of the water. The raised grassy area surrounds the water creating a circular pathway and a positive energy center. The beautiful buildings in the far distance sit in silence as the clouds drift peacefully through the sky.
This is my new space in my current life that I am able to go to and think about my reality, and I know that what I am staring at is my present moment, and it is my beauty that will bring me a lot of peace in just one day. Just sitting on a rock staring at the reflection of the water that the sun is beating on. I look over, and I see the father goose walk out of the water and onto the rocks with it's webbed feet as it reaches it's long neck up and stares all around. It made me think about how calm this goose was. How very still this goose became as it looked all about. It made me think about this goose not having worries, or responsibilities. It just protects it's mate and the eggs that are still not hatched. When I am sitting there at my new sanctuary, I keep thinking positive thoughts, and I am learning the best possible ways to create the positive energy spaces, sometimes not thinking at all, and just staring at what's in front of me and all around like the "goose."
I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to write my thoughts and ideas as I have constructed my new path to my desired future. It is also helping me just knowing that someone is reading my thoughts and maybe in the slightest way connecting with a small piece of what I have to say; hopefully feeling inspired! I am just glad that you have graced my words with your mind and your energy space. Thank you.


Sitting here today
Thinking of the day
Knowing that it's a good one
Gonna make it through
With a good handle on what to do
I know that I have the ability to surrender
As I take in each moment that arises in front of me
I continue to think of my destined thoughts
I think of that place and that space that brings me a smile to my face.
I am thankful for this new day as I start to get ready and positively increase my energized self.
Today is a TUESDAY and it is a good one, I will return when it's the right, time, space, and sequence .

Monday, April 12, 2010

Positive Energy Spaces

When I think of my destiny I think of being in an open area that never runs out of natural beauty. That being woods, lakes, rivers, mountains, hills, valleys, oceans, rocks, trees, bridges, sky, clouds, fire, wind, animals (all kinds), and quiet solitude--only natural sounds. People who are with me also enjoy this space of energy and appreciate all that it has to offer even if it is something completely out of the ordinary or as old as can be. This is what my destiny is filled with. Yours might be completely different or have similar aspects.
When you think of your destiny what comes to mind?
It's helpful to have a clear vision that you can literally touch, sense, and see
Even if it is a little speck of light that is as minuscule as a ladybug is a step in the right direction
When I wake up I think about what makes me happy and how I can manifest my destiny into my every day life
I bring that one thought to my mind and I envision about that destined feeling all day long no matter what challenges I am faced with during a day's work
It's like trying something new
When you try something new like skiing for the first time
It's like SHIT how am I supposed to go down that steep ass mountain?
You do it, right?
No matter what you are faced with because there's a feeling of intent to make it down even if it takes you all day long.
These two ideas are similar in the sense that you have the power to bring your own destiny into your life and mind because that mountain that you once feared is now your friend. When at first you thought it was unimaginably unattainable.
Yes, the more positive and open you are about creating that pure destiny into your real world the more gradually it will develop into your existence.
Having the patience, and knowing that everything works out in the perfect time, space, and sequence will get you to your desired goals and ambitions that you once had maybe even as a little girl or boy. Dig as deep as you can go. Trust me.
I am destined to be right here and now at this exact moment typing my fingers away as I am listening to my spirit guide and thoughts, which brings to me this vast feeling of calmness, freshness, and pure devotion as I write.
I am here to hopefully bring a smile to your face.
I am here to hopefully help you to be inspired and to help you feel that life has so many outlets and beautiful spaces for you to travel to even when you are at your deepest most lowest feeling in life or even alone with no one to talk to.
I am here to carve this path, and I know that by doing this work, I will be doing work on myself as well. That's exactly why we are in this together on this road to enlightenment. So, please bear with me, and take my hand with yours, and let's rock and roll with these old souls and bring this pure entity into existence.
Thank you, once again for joining along, I can't thank you enough.
These enlightened thoughts of mine will one day be a gold mine that all came about with this one simple idea! This is all part of my destiny too.
It's integral to keep up with that constant positive flow of energy between even the spaces that once never even had a speck of of positive energy due to certain blockages. Your desires that you are sending out into the Universe will open up those spaces that will help clear out those negative blockages making more room for your personal growth and development, and for people that you surround yourself with. Creating new positive inspirational energy spaces will provide you with more access of positive energy flow that gets you to where you need to be quicker and faster when you have the right intentions. Just keep up your thoughts that make you happy and who you are destined to be. That's where I am right now too.
That's it for now!
I will return when it's the perfect time, space, and sequence.
back to thinking about....that tune, "taking me to the river, man..."

Feelings of Inspiration

This sun is rising!
The orange is bright.
The circular energy of light.
It brings me hope that this new day will be filled with positive energy.
I sit here typing feeling inspired by this sun that is shinning so incredibly brightly that it warms my body.
I am ready to begin this new MONDAY and I know that whatever comes my way I can think of the orange bright light that started my day!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Surrender to the Flow

Okay, so I was going to make that my ultimate first blog/post, and now I am feeling completely inspired and excited about this new journey that I am going to set, and start on my own. This feeling that awaits is one that is new, and bigger than I ever expected. This feeling that is deep inside that I know will turn into what I have been searching for. When you are searching for something you never find it. You find it when you least expect it. That is why I am here today. That is why I am doing what I am doing at this very moment. I know that I have the ability to CREATE. You have the ability to create. Make those dreams come true. I have always had the dream that I would one day be a teacher, and now I have created that dream. It's my reality. I have always had the dream that I would live alone, and own my own place, and now I am sitting in my living room that belongs all to me. In this beauty that I have manifested, I now seek to manifest more and more desires and dreams into my living experiences.
So, I am on this new page/chapter of my life, and I am fully ready to begin this journey. Have you ever done something where you felt the fear and the nervousness inside that you just couldn't control? Well, that's what this is about. It's that fear, it's those feelings of butterflies that travel up and down my 7 chakras that I know mean goodness. That I know mean that I am ready to leap into this new phase of my life that I am destined to face. I am destined to face because I now have the access, and I now have the confidence. I believe that everything happens in the perfect, time, space, and sequence, and this is what it's all about. Even though I am faced with the fears, the nervousness, and the butterflies all at one time I know that I am willing to get my ideas out into the UNIVERSE, into this Natural Existence that we call Earth. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you Higher Universe for this beautiful natural Earth. I have yet to see the vastness and the beauty that awaits my higher spirit! If you are going to go to those places with me, please come along, and surrender to the flow! I am now ready to begin the travels and jump right in now matter what comes along my road of thought.

The beginning of my journal

Feelings of Delight:
When you breathe
What do you feel?
When you breathe
What do you sense?
When you breathe do you sense the feelings of joy?
When you breathe do you see yourself in the present moment?
These are all of the questions and thoughts that one can open their mind to, and with these thoughts in mind, you can travel to places on this planet that can unravel to your truest desires.
You want to look at what's directly infront of you.
You want to bring that peace that you are breathing in at this present moment, and begin to open up the doors that your innerself has created for opportunities that will turn into your present reality.
I am here today to begin my journey with you, and I hope you are with me to0!